
I woke up this morning bitter at the manner in which things around the area i know dwell in have become.It is disgusting how its normal to dawn to the reek of death and the statements of headings the news and papers report. It got I deeply frustrated, one can only understand it only if they too suffer from a Query syndrome that is coupled with what others refer to as a conscious mind and heart. Can a wrong statement or deed be justified by the masses since it has been made common? a gentlemen who cared not to have his name again mentioned once warned me to learn to just accept that things are in the manner that they are meant to be in, when in actual fact it is humans hand that is responsible.

I honestly never thought that aging older meant that one has to learn to link to the worlds fixations and learn exactly what it is to adjust, it seems that all of us in one manner or another have learned the ways of society's grades and just follow suite for there is no other given option. it is just the ways forming our daily, harmful and sad situation. Conformity of a certain sort and kind is inevitable to us all? It never to I truly occurred that the world outside the games at young age i played would mean for today's children shooting each other to death. i must then learn to grow with the flow? Queries syndrome has me suffering, do we all need to truly go behind lined customs for we seemingly don't vision it an different?

I dont understand surely how our society adopts the standards set up for us to live under. It must have everything to do with civilisation and these are just the times and one must learn to evolve and then adapt. To it all?

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Awuleth' uMshini Wami, khuluma silalele, "