I never knew Madam can dance until recently as she goes into black townships in her drive to win the elusive black vote. Do you still remember that old Wesley Snipes/ Woody Harrelson whacky film, White Men Can’t Jump? I reckon it’s about time someone came up with a sequel shot in Langa, titled White Women Can’t Dance.
Still on the campaign trail Umsholozi was at it again, making empty promises to so many people one is afraid he’ll face most of them as he makes his way past the Pearly Gates someday. In Cape Town Jacob Zuma was confronted by a woman who told him she’s been waiting 11 years for her house and all he could shout was, '11-years, I’ll have to talk to the minister about it’. Yeah right, you didn’t even ask the woman’s name and ID number but already you’re taking her grievance to Sheila Sisulu.
After the Soweto floods our president-in-waiting was at it again, assuring the homeless residents who've been complaining to Mayor Amos Masondo for ages that the government’s response was swift and commendable while what the people wanted was swift and commendable repair of the sewerage system that resulted in their houses being filled with water and some even dying. Talk of George W Bush flying over New Orleans while people drowned.
Finally our friends at Congress of the People cast the first stone by announcing their premiership candidates and it’s was unusual to see that party president Terror Lekota wasn’t featured even for a province like Free State which he has premiered before. I say this given his surprise at their list conference; when in the language of cricket he was LBWd (leg-before-wicket'd) by a relatively unknown (to stupid indoctrinated folks) Dr/Bishop Mvume Dandala. COPE, like ANC and DA are also promising folks transparent government, accountability and directly elected delegates instead of the proportional representation system that has seen the ANC send its most stupid folks into the NCOP and parliament so that all they have to do is to rubberstamp whatever the Executive is proposing. Question; these are the folks who were in office through an ANC list process not long ago, when did they have the Damascus experience?
Finally the Young Communists, whose leader Bra Bhuti Manamela was recently accused of laughing while a mother was insulted has called for UNISA head Barney Pityana to resign. But truly Bra Bhuti, no one is laughing – that’s not funny bro.