This is not a conspiracy theory because I’m not trying to conspire against anyone; it’s a fact base opinion, if there is such a thing. I’ve grown to learn and know about God our father, who art in heaven, its lovely story of a lifetime that gives a man like me hope and hope is not something you can pick up from a street. Hope brings life and life…..! Well, Common says life is a bitch depending on how you dress it, I say life is but after death now back to my story, I say I’ve seen God and the dude isn’t black. In my 29 years on this earth I’ve seen everything in black translated into a white superiority. What I mean is, there is a certain favour that is bestowed upon the Caucasian nation and there’s nothing we can do about it. My black consciousness brothers and those who embrace Africanism preached to me about the false ideologies of the white man, through the demonic media, I received and repented but my repentance fell short. They told me about the history of African colonisation and how the white man stole everything from us. I pondered the story and realise that, if the white man can do that, have that kind of power and the rest of wasn’t sleeping then he’s got some godliness behind him. In the bible, which I grew up reading, it is said that God favoured certain people and certain nations (Israel to be specific) just to show-of his glory, well there’s no reason in there why he chose Abraham to be the father of all nations or why he chose Abel over Cain, so I assume it is for show-off…after all he’s the creator. You might be thinking blasphemy at this moment but like Eminem said I’m just giving you things that you think about or talk about in the living room but I have guts to say them in front of you. Ironically Marshall Manthers is a white rapper who dominated the genre, which is known to be a black music or black culture, like poverty over Africa. Now you tell me if that’s not favour bestowed by some high power? Beside, Em’s story, there is a whole lot of the world’s spectre that is dominated by Caucasians like the Media, Entertainment, music, business, finance, sports and controversially, even religion, they presided over us and other races to level where Chika Onyika (the author of The Capitalist Nigger) lambasted to the African nation. Who can blame him?
Although it sounds cliché and funny in a way, but it is true that when you have the favour of God like Moses did, you walk on water or part seas, while your counterparts are just the King Pharaohs following suite but failing to do the same. The charismatic preachers will and can agree with me on this one. Now, the race which I’m accusing of being godly, has apparently stolen everything from the Egyptian philosophy, our resources, history, religion even our identity but they didn’t just steal it they turned it into class. I mean the Germans made cars and we feel like god in them, Russians made guns and feel glory with them, Swedish made porn glamorous and we are addicted to it and the American took a black man to slavery and made American out of him and we cherish him. Now how’s that for being on the Almighty’s side? I sometimes think that maybe my mind is colonised by the white man mentality which sometimes I’m accused of but religion states clearly that there are those who are chosen and those that aren’t, like there’s right and wrong, heaven and hell, white and the others. It is evident that religion is classed according to race and ecology but one thing in common is the fact we put a spiritual figure (God) which we pray to, unfortunately on this case also there is a dominating religion which is run by them white folks. The Veticans, Catholics, they dictated the figure or the picture we should have about their God because they were favoured amongst others. This is not blasphemy; I just saw everything in black translated into white superiority but we don’t see the same…..”Sepedi sere, sehlare sa mosotho ke lekgowa, and the bible says God is our healer”
Chapter 2 (the Bible version coming soon)
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Awuleth' uMshini Wami, khuluma silalele, "