We can't assume that white means DA and darkie means ANC since I'm darkie but not ANC. Some saying racism will be gone once they have white aunties cleaning their floors. It’s interesting times for South Afrika because finally people are talking about these things that Nelson Mandela was comfortable with them being swept under the carpet.
The native son Thabo Mbeki sparked this discourse with his stories of two nations, one rich, one poor, one white and one black.
Okay, I didn’t intend to be political but to raise an issue that left me cold – literally. It was the appointment of Gill Marcus as the new Reserve Bank governor from November 9, 2009.
I was left wondering this weekend where were those equally competent darkies that Black Management Forum and the Three Musketeers (ANC, SACP, COSATU) always rhetorise about when a white person is appointed to a position of power in the private sector when President Jacob Zuma appointed a white woman to head the Reserve Bank?
Marcus is as white as they come and no cosmetic interpretation of race will change her. The ANC is not a laboratory that changes whites to darkies as people walk into the organization with their race and stay there with it. Do you mean to convince me that the self-confessed ANC Boer thief Carl Niehaus became a darkie the moment he joined End Conscription Campaign (ECC). Otherwise given that ANC membership costs R12, this should be the cheapest membership to any race in the world.
Outgoing governor Tito Mboweni had three darkie deputies who according to Zuma do not cut it as potential governors. I don’t want to say because they were appointed by Mbeki, no I might be wrong. However if it was Anglo-Gold or Alexander Forbes that made such a dodgy appointment you would have had the musketeers blowing hot and cold, threatening rolling mass action, but because it’s homegrown felony – it’s honour amongst thieves as always.
Hawkish Tito ruffled feathers when he allegedly said that it was not easy working with darkie executives because they have a tendency to job-hop in search of bigger pay and can’t be relied upon to build sustainable organizations. He said that they were all about more money (probably bigger cars and bellies) and not building careers and organizations.
Coming to Marcus, the truth is that a white person is a white person and her political affiliation does not change the fact that her appointment is the saddest day for Affirmative Action and transformation. We need independent voices in this country and dissenting ones for that matter. My argument is not that people should be appointed because they are darkies but that there needs to be consistence on the part of the ANC on what constitutes an executive appointment, which ones are reserved for darkie execs and which ones go to converted whites like Marcus.
PS. I’m stacking the Tito Mboweni banknotes to boycott the Gill Marcus ones for at least a year – hahaha, joking.
for an extended version of this post go to http://www.kasiekulture.blogspot.com/
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Awuleth' uMshini Wami, khuluma silalele, "